Sunday, 22 January 2012

self-initiated project aims

I had the idea that for my self-initiated project, I could come up with a brand for my own illustrations with the title "YY". I have found a graphic design company in New York using the name, but their style as a whole is a lot different to what I'd envisage myself producing, and the project is an exercise more than anything.

I want to produce designs for a range of objects that show how the brand "YY" could work as a platform for my illustration. The core aesthetic will have to be bright and attractive, as well as having something that sets it apart from other proponents of the general poppy, European design style. I think lasercutting in bright plastics could lead to some interesting outcomes, and I will aim to come up with an illustrative flavour that could apply to the broadest possible range of objects. A web presence and logo would also be desirable outcomes, with a sense of possible platforms for the brand if it were a 'real-life' company

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